U.S. CBRS Private LTE: A Five Year TCO for Commercial, Manufacturing and Energy Buildings
The availability of CBRS spectrum in the U.S. has driven new interest in enterprise in-building private LTE networks. This market study presents a five-year total cost of ownership (TCO) model for private LTE networks deployed on CBRS 3.5 GHz spectrum in U.S. commercial buildings, manufacturing buildings and energy buildings.
This market study includes the expected impact of the global virus COVID-19, as iGR understands it today.
The TCO model, which includes both initial network build spend and operational spend over the five-year period between 2019 and 2024, estimates costs for:
- U.S. commercial buildings, split by 15 principal building activities
- U.S. manufacturing buildings, split by 21 principal products
- U.S. energy buildings, split by nine types of power plants and two types of refineries and mines.
Key Questions Answered
- What is CBRS spectrum and how is it licensed?
- Why is an enterprise likely to deploy a private LTE network on CBRS?
- How much will it cost to deploy and operate the expected number of CBRS private LTE networks in U.S. commercial buildings? And how is the cost split by the principal activity of the building?
- How much will it cost to deploy and operate the expected number of CBRS private LTE networks in U.S. manufacturing buildings? And how is the cost split by the principal products being manufactured?
- How much will it cost to deploy and operate the expected number of private LTE networks in U.S. energy buildings, including power plants, mines and refineries? And how is the cost split by the energy sources of the power plants and the types of refineries and mines?
Who Should Read
- CBRS solution vendors
- Third party integrators building IBW networks
- Mobile operators
- Mobile infrastructure OEMs
- Wired and wireless backhaul vendors and solution providers
- Backhaul service providers and equipment OEMs
- Financial analysts and investors.
Table of Contents
- Abstract
- Executive Summary
- Network Build Spend
- Operational Spend
- Total Cost of Ownership
- What This Means
- Methodology
- Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS)
- History
- CBRS Band
- Incumbent Access (IA) Users
- Priority Access Licenses (PALs)
- Channel Assignment
- County Level License
- 10-year License
- Renewable License
- License Application and Bidding
- Secondary Markets for Licenses
- General Authorized Access
- CBRS Components
- Environmental Sensing Capability (ESC)
- ESC Providers
- Spectrum Access System (SAS)
- More about the SAS
- SAS Administrators
- CBRS Devices
- End User Devices
- Private LTE on CBRS
- Benefits of Private LTE on CBRS
- Cons of Private LTE on CBRS
- CBRS Private LTE TCO Assumptions
- Network Build Spend Assumptions
- Operational Spend Assumptions
- Other Overall Assumptions
- TCO – Commercial Buildings
- TCO – Manufacturing Buildings
- TCO – Energy Buildings & Campuses: Power Plants
- TCO – Energy Buildings & Campuses: Refineries & Mines
- TCO – Summary
- Definitions
- About iGR
- Disclaimer
List of Tables
- Table A: Total Cost of Ownership, CBRS Private LTE Networks in Commercial,
- Table 1: Total Network Build Spend, Commercial Buildings by Principal Activity
- Table 2: Total Operational Spend, Commercial Buildings by Principal Activity
- Table 3: TCO - Network Build and Operational Spend, Commercial Buildings by Principal Activity
- Table 4: Total Network Build Spend, Manufacturing Buildings by Sub-sector
- Table 5: Total Operational Spend, Manufacturing Buildings by Sub-sector
- Table 6: TCO - Network Build and Operational Spend, Manufacturing Buildings by Sub-sector
- Table 7: Total Network Build Spend, Power Plants by Energy Source
- Table 8: Total Operational Spend, Power Plants by Energy Source
- Table 9: TCO - Network Build and Operational Spend, Power Plants by Energy Source
- Table 10: Total Network Build Spend, Refineries & Mines
- Table 11: Total Operational Spend, Refineries & Mines
- Table 12: TCO - Network Build and Operational Spend, Refineries & Mines
- Table 13: Total Cost of Ownership, CBRS Private LTE Networks in Commercial, Manufacturing and Energy Buildings
- Definitions Table
List of Charts and Figures
- Figure A: Total Cost of Ownership, CBRS Private LTE Networks in Commercial,
- Figure 1: Overview of CBRS Band
- Figure 2: SAS Interaction
- Figure 3: Why go private?
- Figure 4: Total Network Build Spend, Commercial Buildings by Principal Activity
- Figure 5: Total Operational Spend, Commercial Buildings by Principal Activity
- Figure 6: TCO - Network Build and Operational Spend, Commercial Buildings by Principal Activity
- Figure 7: Total Network Build Spend, Manufacturing Buildings by Sub-sector
- Figure 8: Total Operational Spend, Manufacturing Buildings by Sub-sector
- Figure 9: TCO - Network Build and Operational Spend, Manufacturing Buildings by Sub-sector
- Figure 10: Total Network Build Spend, Power Plants by Energy Source
- Figure 11: Total Operational Spend, Power Plants by Energy Source
- Figure 12: TCO - Network Build and Operational Spend, Power Plants by Energy Source
- Figure 13: Total Network Build Spend, Refineries & Mines
- Figure 14: Total Operational Spend, Refineries & Mines
- Figure 15: TCO - Network Build and Operational Spend, Refineries & Mines
- Figure 16: Total Cost of Ownership, CBRS Private LTE Networks in Commercial, Manufacturing and Energy Buildings
For additional information on the U.S. CBRS Private LTE: A Five Year TCO for Commercial, Manufacturing and Energy Buildings market study, please contact Iain Gillott, at (512) 263-5682 or by email.
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